Be an Entrepreneur

Start your own Business

It has been almost 10 years already that I started working intermittently as a regular employee. Not to mention, I've finished medical school in those years as well. Back then my parents are also just your ordinary minimum wage employee that travels to work for 40 hours a week, brings home the bacon, pay the bills, have short leisure time, argues about how to pay the debts and so on and so forth. This cycle was carried on to me as well up to the time that I am old enough to work on top of  new challenges that life has to offer. I was hard wired to become an employee for life. Nobody taught me other alternative ways to break this chain.

On the other side of the planet, a friend of mine turned hubby was exposed at a young age on the true value of money. Being an employee is not an option at all for him. Although they were well-off, he does part-time job to the extent of missing school to satisfy his personal needs for life. His father is a well-known businessman. Compared to my parents who have post-graduate degrees, his father who was not able to finish college, earns much more combined with the earnings of my parents together. I also know someone, who never went to school but was able to own a large factory of ready to wear apparel and now, she doesn't know where to spend her billions. What an irony don't you think?

At a young age, children are taught to study hard to have a good job and earn a decent large sum of money when they grow old. Only when you finish school, where you will notice that being an employee is not the only option. There is also what you call "business" that you can try as well. I am not saying that you should not finish school but try to consider having your own business at a young age or better yet, start your own business now.

The Rewards Of Financial Literacy

Financial Literacy is the missing ingredient in the academic curriculum nowadays. You will learn it in the hard way as you grow older. It is indeed a long journey to financial literacy but anyone can grasp it. All you have to do is grab the right tools and right attitude and you are off to go.

Starting your own business right now is the best thing that you can give to yourself and to your family. It is not easy at first but all of your efforts are worth it. I'm sure you all know what financial literacy can offer you through your business, right? If not, well, here are some of the rewards you can rip off your hard work.

1. You will not drag yourself to work and pretend that you like your job every single day. You don't have to avoid anyone because you can be yourself when you have your own business.

2. There is never a dull moment in the business world. You will learn new things and discover new things just to keep your business running. There is personal and professional growth along the way.

3. You are your own boss, you wake up when you want to and leave when you want to.

4. You don't need to wait for your 15th and 30th day to get paid the usual rate. Your earnings depends on how much time and effort you put into your business. At first, you might be just earning hundreds of dollars a month but then, after taking care of your business, you will be earning thousands of dollars a day.

Basically, it is financial freedom, independence and doing what you love most are the rewards  of having your own business. You can travel where you want, eat what you want and fulfill your dreams. You are the boss now.

You Can Be The Boss

Everyone can be "the boss" if you really work hard on it. The amount of hard work that you put into your regular job as an employee, will give you much more rewards if you put it on your own business. The good thing about it is, when your business is now up and running, you just have to sit back, relax and enjoy the fruit of your labor. Unlike when you are an employee, your hard work will just give you enough money for your retirement. So, better think now and act fast. Try something new and become your own boss. Who knows you might be good at it.

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